Asia Ministry
Asian Testimonies – In Their Own Words
My father died when I was very small, so I was brought up by my grandmother. During my childhood I had to bear lots of trouble. I had to look after the cattle and was not allowed to go to school. I did not know anything about the Living God and my life was miserable.
When I was six I was brought to Grace Children’s Home through my uncle. It was a Christian home – a home for children like me. There I came to know about the living God who loves me more than anyone in this world. In GCH, I found a good family environment and loving parents. I’m so happy because they loved me so much and they guided me to walk in the path of Jesus. Even now they love me and take care of me. I was given a good education in a healthy environment. The most important thing is that I came to know the Living God. I was baptized at the age of 16 and I’m a member of my church. I want to serve God and praise Him through my work. I want to make God feel proud of me, His son. I want to grow more in my faith and spend much time in prayer.
I want to thank those who showed me the love of Jesus by loving me. In this same way, I want to show love to others – even by helping in small things. I want to share God’s love to the people of this world, just like He has told us to.
By L.G. who serves God in a Christian ministry
In 2002 I was taken to Grace Children’s Home where I had an opportunity to go to a good school, eat healthy food, and receive nice care. I found many new brothers and sisters, as well as loving parents. At that time, I didn’t know anything about Jesus, but in Grace Children’s Home I learned about Him and accepted Jesus as my Saviour.
I think that today, if I had not gone to Grace Children’s Home, I would not know Jesus and I would be worshipping other gods in the gompa with the rest of my people. In 2013, I was baptized and committed my life to following Jesus.
I have had so many blessings in my life after coming to Grace Children’s Home. I am very thankful to God for all this and I am also thankful to all the Christians who have been praying for me and supporting me in these years.
By S.G. who is studying for her Bachelor’s in Nursing
When I came to Grace Children’s Home, I found a good family – I have a lot of brothers and sisters who really care about me. In November 30, 2013, I accepted Jesus in my life. I am really happy to have Jesus Christ in my life – I’m proud to know about Him.
Whatever I have needed in my life, like food, education, clothing – everything – He has provided for me. All my anxiety is taken away by Jesus. Now I’m free from all the darkness that was part of my life before. I know that my coming to Grace Children’s Home was all His good plan.
I only have anxiety about one thing – that my remaining family members don’t know Jesus. I have a hope that one day they will know Him. One day He will change their hearts, in His time. Still, there is time.
By L.G. who is currently working in a foreign country
Life is a gift of God. We are born into this world and our life is made up of sorrows and happiness. God made every person by His love and so every life is precious. In each of our lives, God has worked His plan. Sometimes difficult situations come in our lives to make us stronger, and we should not give up in such circumstances. When we dedicate our lives to God, He will make our lives blessed and always guide us in His path.
In Grace Children’s Home, I found many good brothers and sisters and I was so happy. I got a good, quality education and had caring, loving parents and a good family. I came to know about God. They helped me to walk in the right path and have good moral behavior. They taught me from the Bible, where I came to know Jesus Christ. In 2012, I was baptized and accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. At that time, I felt like the most blessed person by God. All my (family) helped me in my spiritual growth and in my studies. It is all because of God’s grace in my life.
Now I am studying nursing. In my future I want to be the best nurse I can and serve my Lord and sick people. When I remember all the blessings of God, I feel lucky and I thank Him sincerely. If I hadn’t met (parents) in my childhood or I was not chosen by God, I would not know Jesus Christ and His great love for me. I am very thankful to God that He has given me such a good (family) and other Christians who have supported me and pray for me. I have understood that God is working His plan in my life and I am chosen by God for this work.
By C.G. who is studying for her Bachelor’s in Nursing
Today I am so happy because I have the most special friend – Jesus Christ.
I was so small when I was separated from my family. I had a mother and father but they left me with my grandmother and have never lived with me. My grandma was so kind hearted – she always loved me and I never missed the love of my parents because of her.
But when I was 7 or 8 years old I began to understand how important parents and their love is because I saw my friends with their parents – laughing, playing, sharing everything and receiving love from them. Then I became so sad because I didn’t have parents like my friends.
It was such a special day for me when I met (my Grace Home parents) for the first time. All my friends had gone dancing and singing – celebrating our biggest festival. God does everything so good in His own way. I had decided to stay home because I was suffering badly from a cold and fever – I was just too sick. While I was home alone, God sent (Grace Home parents) to my home. God had spoken to their hearts to take me to their children’s home to love me and support me for my schooling.
A few days later, they came to my house and asked my grandmother to let me go with them. They told her that they would love me so much and would keep me like their own daughter.
When I came to Grace Children’s Home, I was so small. I found many new friends there like me and kind and loving parents. In the home, I came to know about Jesus and His great love that He has shown to me. Today, I am a grown and a wife and mother. I give thanks to God that He has given me so many sisters, brothers and parents – they are such a gift from God. I am so happy to know about God and sing and dance for His Name.
Thank you, God, that you have shown Your great love and grace to me – I will never forget it for the rest of my life. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me and helped me along every step of my life.
By N.G. who is serving God in Christian ministry as a pastor’s wife
My family has 9 members and they are all Buddhist and most of them are Buddhist monks. Because my family was so large, my father could not support us. We were lacking all the basic things in life. My father worked hard but it was really very difficult for us. My family was so poor that my father was forced to give many of his children to the monastery because he could not take care of them.
When I was living with my parents, I used to wonder about my future. My family was not close and I felt so lonely there. Because I was the youngest daughter in the family, they decided not to send me to the monastery, but to keep me to work at home. I saw other children wearing their school uniforms and going to school, but because I had to look after the goats and horses and work, I had no time for school or study.
I was frustrated that my life was just for the caring of goats and horses. I felt so sad. My mind was full of questions but no answers.
But God gave me satisfaction in my heart when I came to Grace Children’s Home. There everyone loved me so much and I learned to love them too. My dreams came true as I was supported in my sorrows, and found a family who taught me good things for my life. This has made me truly happy. Then I began to realize that the love I was receiving from my new family was actually the love of Jesus Christ.
I got a good education, medical care and every single thing I needed through Jesus Christ. The best way for my life is only through Jesus, who made me and chose me to live in this place. Now I am really thankful to Him. My soul has been saved thanks to His followers. Before, my eyes always had tears due to the sorrows of my past life – but now they are dry and I am happy. I was baptized and I have given my life to God to serve Him.
By T.G. who is studying for her Master’s in Bible
I was just a small girl of 5 when I came to Grace Children’s Home. I had been living in a village – like an orphan. My father passed away when I was 3 or 4 years old – I don’t even know what he looked like. I had one sister but she died after the death of my father. There were so many problems in my family. Then the saddest thing happened – my mother moved away to another place far away – leaving me behind in the village and starting her new life without me. I was so sad and used to cry a lot. My aunt took me in as her own daughter – even though she had 4 children of her own. Then one of her children died from epilepsy. Our life was sad and difficult.
Then I had the opportunity to come to Grace Children’s Home and found great changes in my life. There were so many blessings that I have no words to explain them all. The very best is that I got an opportunity to know our Saviour – Jesus Christ! Really – He is an awesome God!
Different people have such different feelings inside – and sometimes I used to feel that if I only had parents like other children I would love them so much and would be so happy. I felt so sad to see other children walk and talk with their parents. But God knew all my feelings and He gave me such loving and caring parents in my new home. They really are sent by God for the children like me. They loved us and we also loved them. They used to teach us from the Bible (the Word of God) each day. Since we were so small, they taught us stories of ancient people of the Bible – showing us pictures. We really liked it a lot. God gave me such a good family. There were 20 children living there and we loved each other as our own brother and sister. I have received a very good education – studying in a nice school. All this has happened in my life because of God.
By Y.G. who serves as a teacher and is married with a small son
My saddest memory was when my grandfather passed away. After that, events in my family turned horrible – and I try to forget them but they are still roaming in my mind. I am from a Buddhist family with 5 members. As a small child I never had any new clothes or toys because we were so poor. My father drank alcohol constantly and fought with my mother. My sister, brother and I could not find peace because of all of the fighting. I used to cry and cry and cry. Sometimes our neighbors would hear the fighting and come to help us, but many times they did not hear. Many times I lost hope. Because of the fighting in the house there was never peace or understanding and I used to be depressed most of the time.
Suddenly, one day in our village, (Grace Home parents) came and they saw me helpless and hopeless. They took me to their beautiful home where I found a new life. It was like a heaven. While playing with my new brothers and sisters, I would forget my sadness. Moreover, I got everything I had lacked before in my new home. I got very loving and caring parents, who became my own parents. They gave me much love and such good care. They helped me in every step of my life. They taught me moral principles and I was encouraged so much by their work.
By the grace of God, this home was very blessed. As I grew, I came to know Jesus very well. I always used to pray for the happiness of my family. As a result, all the disputes in my family home were solved and they are living happily today. They have started their own business and are progressing. In addition, I have received a quality education to secure my future. I have a good relationship with everyone in this home and I have many prayer partners here. (Grace Home parents) are calm personalities who are looking to help others in every way. In my family, only my brother and myself are Christians and I have become very strong in Jesus. I pray for my sister and parent’s salvation and I hope that one day they will become Christian.
By S.G. who is studying tailoring and clothing design
Praise the Lord! I am from a very remote area – from a Buddhist family. When I was 5 years old, I went to Grace Children’s Home and I met many boys and girls. They were very good brothers and sisters who took good care of me and loved me. (The parents) were very nice to us and took good care of us and loved us. We had morning and evening devotions where they shared about God to me, and I came to know the True Living God in Grace Children’s Home.
When I was studying in class 8, I became very sick. In total, I had 3 operations – two on my thigh and one on my back. This incident in my life made me closer to God. He taught me many things – I had become very weak, but He has made me much stronger by healing me. I want to share a Bible verse – Job 5:17-19. You will find that God is always with you and He always does you good.
I found my God in every difficult step. He healed me and cared for me when I was sick. He erased all my pain and my tears and He is always with me when I feel lonely. He has put peace in my heart. Up to now, He has been providing all my needs – food, shelter, clothes, peace, joy etc – even more than enough. Through all of this, I learned many things.
Now I am strong enough in Christ that I’ll follow Him forever. I shall never look back. God said, “I’ll never leave you alone.” It’s true, He doesn’t. I was baptized in November 2012. I am so much blessed now. I’m trained by the best teacher – Jesus.
I also want to advise my readers, God can never leave us after we let Him come into our hearts. God loves us so much, since before we were born. God gave Jesus, His own Son, to die for us. He has promised not to leave us alone. Whenever people leave us, God is there for us. (Psalm 27:20) Any struggles that come upon us, God is ready to help us. He has called us to live in His ways. (Isaiah 42:8) God tests our lives, and if we are hurting, He heals us by His own hand. (Isaiah 30:17) Wherever we are, God is there with us. (Psalm 139:8-9) Whenever we are in trouble, He helps us because we are His. (Isaiah 43:1)
Troubles come to everyone. Where there is Gospel work, Satan tries to trap us. But God can heal us. He forgives us. As much as you have sinned, He is ready to forgive you if you ask for it. We want to live happily, and for that we need to give our lives to Jesus. (Ecclesiastes 12:1, 11:9b) We should seek Him, for He is the strong pillar. Right now you should turn to Him. In my life, the best thing that I’ve learned is not to give up, because He creates the best future for us – better than we expected.
I would like to share that just as God has changed my life, so He also wants to change yours. Just give whatever you have to Him and He will use you for His work. He loves you very much and He will always be with you. Finally, I want to share a Bible verse – Jeremiah 29:11-13. As I have shared in my testimony, I can say that God is our hope and future. Amen!
By R.C. who is working in a foreign country